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Farahana Surya Kassam, FSN

Farahana Kassam is a published author and certified Mindfulness Meditation Coach.  Her expertise focuses on bringing the practice of mindfulness and meditation to children, educators, parents, and medical professionals in educational, therapy and corporate settings.  Through formal training and seminars for adults and creative story-telling for younger audiences, Farahana uses her pain from divorce and current journey with breast cancer to drive her with passion and purpose.  She uses these experiences as stepping stones to bring mindfulness and meditation to everyone she serves.

Farahana was born in Vancouver, Canada and raised in Nairobi, Kenya.  She speaks English, Gujarati, Hindi and Swahili.

She is a firm believer that life happens for us, not to us, and she is here to gift us an experience of guided imagery and sound healing meditation.

Visit her website at

Be empowered and learn how to successfully navigate through divorce to a healthier and happier life.